Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My first quilting attempts

Ever since my mom & I officially ran Beverly Collection, I've wanted to start making quilts on my own. My mom is, and has been, the one with the skills (not to mention she's the instructor for all lessons we provide), and I figured I should add to mine too :)
These were my first attempts at quilting. As owner of the label, what I produce for myself still counts as producing for an (internal) customer, right? ;)

This blue and yellow baby quilt is for my newborn baby... started off with a quilt panel, added a border, then had it hand-bound and machine+hand-quilted...

This was also a panel quilt... added the sweet pink floral border and hand-bound the quilt. I really like doing hand-binding... there's a calming rhythm to it once you get started. Also machine-quilted along the borders and frames, and handquilted the picture elements.

These two were made from the ever-so-cheerful-and-cute-I-like IKEA fabric, with two simple borders and hand-quilting around the bigger motifs...

I started making all these before my delivery, and managed to complete all these as gifts. I loved doing hand-quilting so much, I ended up buying the quilting frame to make my work neater... it really made a big difference in the quilting (well, that's my own rough comparison anyway, looking at the panel quilts done pre-frame usage, and the IKEA ones post-frame).
Now I'm trying to be more ambitious, and just started on a patchwork quilt next... will post the pics and progress later... I've already had to unpick the seams several times cos my edges didn't line up... argh... wish me luck!

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